We are based just outside Villaneuva del Trabuco – a white town set in the hills 50km north of Malaga, a simple trip mostly using the motorway, it takes just 45 minutes.

From Malaga airport you need to head towards the Granada signs A45 then A92M. Once you are on the road to Granada from Malaga Airport you will see a few exits for Villanueva del Trabuco. You want to take Junction 7 for the A7203 (sat nav sometimes tries to take you off earlier through Rosario – please do not!). Follow this road to Trabuco (passing an Olive factory on your left) until you get to the sign for the town. Ahead on your right you will see a Cepsa petrol garage and before that a left turn signposted Alfarnate and some brown tourist signs for Los Cien Canos.
Take this left turn. There will be 1km markers along the road, there is a right turn at the 6km marker, again brown tourist sign with Los Cien Canos marked on it, come down this unpaved road. We are the first house on the left, you will pass a house on your right beforehand.
If you have any trouble call us and we will come and guide you in.
If you have a Sat Nav our Coordinates are: 37° 1’53.48″N, 4°16’43.63″W